"...you see people as themselves. The fact that these women have come such a long way in realising their dream is moving people and encouraging them to watch it"
- Philip Cheah, Festival Director (Singapore Int'l Film Festival) on the popularity of the documentary

About the Documentary

One of the few documentaries ever made about lesbians in Singapore, this documentary, filmed in 2006 uses interview footage with three Singaporean lesbians -Amanda Lee, Sabrina Renee Chong and Gea Swee Jean, to get a rare glimpse into lesbian lives in Singapore.

Intimate and often candid, these lesbians share about their lives and loves and their views on topics such as coming out and relationships. Sometimes heartbreaking, and often times, funny, the documentary captures the lives of lesbians who have chosen to live authentically and is a testament to the courage, tenacity and experiences of lesbians living in Singapore.

For more information, to join the mailing list or to RSVP for screenings, please email womenwholovewomensingapore@yahoo.com

Watch the Documentary Here!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Review by Irene Oh

观看《Women who love women》,是一个集体感动的体验。

Women who love women》是一部独立制作,访问了三位不同年龄层的女性,畅谈她们的出柜经历和生命历程。和早期类似的纪录片比起来,《Women who love women》受访者面对镜头的坦然,已经隐喻了时代的变迁。遗憾的是,我们要走的路还很长。这样的社会氛围,令这部纪录片更具有特殊意义。

三位女性;三种性格;三个时代。镜头跳跃之间,剪接得流畅。Amanda 的好友们亲自现身说出对Amanda的支持,让影片温情洋溢。Swee Jean幽默的快人快语,令全场哄堂大笑。《Women who love women 》的受访者勇气可嘉,不过如果做回自己也需要勇气的话,不仅是少数族群的悲哀,更是整个社会的悲哀。

值得注意的是,《Women who love women》的切入角度相当个人化,注重受访者的个人体会和感受。

Women who love women> Pelangi Pride Centre 的放映会,反应踊跃固然令人鼓舞。制作群的用心良苦也毋庸置疑。不过,如何让更多人看到这部纪录片,改变对同性恋者既定的刻板印象,相信是制作群更艰巨的挑战。

Irene Oh 胡爱妮
Administrator of Sayoni.com

(English translation by Tan Hui Yee)

Watching WLW was a touching experience.

WLW is an independent production, it interviews three women of different ages, who talk freely about coming out and lives. Compared to earlier documentaries on the same topic, the interviewees in WLW are candid, showing how times have changed. Unfortunately, we still have a long way to go, which makes this documentary even more significant.

Three women; three personalities; three eras. The different scenes were smoothly spliced together. Amanda's friend appeared in the film to support her, adding much warmth to the film. Swee Jean's humorous banter got the house roaring with laughter. The interviewees' courage is admirable, but it is really sad - for minorities and the whole society – that it actually takes courage just to be ourselves.

What's also worth noting is that WLW is shot from the perspective of the interviewees, with their experiences and emotions taking centrestage.

It's wonderful that WLW got such a good response when it was screened at Pelangi Pride Centre. It is evident that the production team put in a lot of effort. But the greater challenge now for the team is to get more people to watch the documentary, to counter stereotypes of gay people out there.

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